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​Class Descriptions:

  • Puppy Obedience Classes (puppies up to 6 months old) (6weeks) This class is for dogs that are under 6 months of age. We review name recognition, sit, down, boundary stays, coming when called and walking nicely on a leash. We work on the foundations of obedience and attention getting behaviors. Common puppy problems are also discussed.

  • Basic Obedience Classes (puppies and dogs 6 months or older) (6weeks) This class is for dogs that are over 6 months of age. We review boundary stays, sit, down, coming when called, walking nicely on a leash. Attention getting behaviors and increasing distractions while working are all added to this class.

  • Small Dog Basic Obedience Classes: (6 weeks) Same as Basic Obedience classes, but this class caters to small dogs only.

  • Intermediate Obedience Classes: (6 weeks) All the dog’s basic obedience skills are reviewed. Added to this class are more distractions and longer durations of stay. The foundation for off-leash obedience skills are begun.

  • Advanced Obedience Classes: (6 weeks) In this class, basic obedience skills are taken to the next level. Off-leash obedience work is begun, and distractions are increased.

  • Canine Good Citizen Certification Classes: In Canine Good Citizen (CGC) classes, you’ll work on several essential skills to enhance your dog’s behavior and manners. Here are the key areas covered:

  • Sit and Stay: Teach your dog to sit and stay calmly on command.

  • Loose Leash Walking: Train your dog to walk politely without pulling on the leash.

  • Coming When Called: Improve recall so your dog responds promptly when called.

  • Accepting a Friendly Stranger: Help your dog remain calm when meeting new people.

  • Reaction to Other Dogs: Teach your dog to behave appropriately around other dogs.

  • Reaction to Distractions: Practice focus and self-control in various environments.

  • Supervised Separation: Train your dog to stay calm when you’re out of sight.

At the end of the course, you’ll have the opportunity to be tested for your AKC-sanctioned CGC certification. Strengthen your bond with your furry companion while learning essential skills! CGC certification demonstrates good behavior and social skills, making your dog a well-mannered companion! 🐾

  • Manners for the Veterinarian/Groomer-:(4 Weeks): This class is open to puppies and dogs of any age. During this class we review how to have a happy veterinary and grooming experience. The skills needed to make exams, nail trims, blood draws, haircuts, etc. easier are practiced.

  • Calm Canines: During this class, many topics are covered to help create a calm canine.  Exercises to help your dog stay engaged with you and be comfortable with the handling that is performed at a vet, groomer, etc is practiced.  Owners will also learn how to help their dog be comfortable around situations they fear without overwhelming them (desensitization vs. flooding).  We review how an owner can help their dog decompress when they are at a heightened state and need to calm down.  We will also touch on how nutrition can affect behavior and help owners build a bowl appropriate to their dog's needs.  

  • Scent Work for Fun: (Drop-in Classes) In this class dogs are taught how to look for and recognize different odors such as Birch. Scent work helps an owner learn to read their dog and exercises a dog’s brain. This is a great class for dogs that may be fearful or reactive to other dogs as dogs work one at a time in this class.

  • Sports Foundation Obedience: (6 Weeks): This class can be open to dogs of varying ages dependent on a discussion with the trainer. During this class obedience and other skills are taught with the focus being on a foundation for dog sports.

  • Trick classes: (6 Weeks): This class will teach fun tricks and all students completing this class, will have the option to have an evaluation following the completion of this course, for a chance to receive an AKC Trick Dog title.  This course has a prerequisite minimum of either a puppy or basic obedience course. 

  • Day Training: Leave your dog with us and we will lay the training foundation for you.  We will then show you what we have taught and educate you on how to implement at home. 

  • Private Training Sessions: One on one sessions with just you, your dog and Krista, our trainer.  This is benificial if you have specific issues you'd like to work on outside of a class setting.  

  • Private In-Home Training Sessions: One on one sessions with you, your dog and Krista in the comfort of your own home.  This is beneficial if you have specific issues within your home setting that you would like to focus on.  *Distance restrictions apply. 

  • Behavior Modification: Do you have a dog that has any of the following traits: reactivity, fear, anxiety, aggression or resource guarding? Angela does Behavior Consultations and Behavior Modification Sessions to help you and your pup live a more enjoyable life.  

  • and more...!

call us today or fill out the form below for more information or to sign up! (860)435-8353​


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